hangover helper - support
hangover helper - support
your head pounds like a grandfather clock. your throat's as dry as the gobi desert. you shiver like an arctic explorer. you get the picture. you have a hangover. many of us have had them, none of us enjoy them. in fact, throughout history people have hated hangovers so much, they've gone to great lengths to get rid of them. ancient assyrians ate a concoction of ground bird's beaks and myrrh. in europe during the middle ages, doctors recommended a not-so-pleasant breakfast of eel and bitter almonds. (don't worry, it gets worse.) in mongolia, hangover sufferers ate pickled sheep's eyes. hmmm, no thanks.
thankfully, we've got a hangover remedy that won't turn your stomach anymore than it already is. we experimented with select herbs, spices, and dried vegetables until we found a blend that was as delicious as it was soothing. the result, hangover helper offers calming herbal notes, vitamins, and a spicy blast of flavor to really the edge off.
for, this blend is actually quite spectacular brewed hot or over ice with a splash of vodka added. think of it as a tea-based ceaser. good luck!
antioxidant level: low caffeine level: none – caffeine free
ingredients: tomato, ginger & beet pieces, hibiscus, cardamom, black & white pepper, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg
use: 1 tsp per 8-10oz water, steep 5-10 mins
sugar or lemon recommended
50 grams