coffee or tea
coffee or tea
tea! coffee! tea! coffee! well, it's time to settle things. we'll have both.
it goes without saying that both of these caffeinated beverages have their place.
most of us can't get through the morning without one or the other. now, you
don't have to choose!
which has more caffeine? a cup of coffee usually feels like it has more oomph than tea right? interestingly, research shows that unbrewed tea actually contains more caffeine that coffee. so, what gives? during the brewing process, caffeine in tea is watered down more effectively than coffee, leaving
a cup with more of a jolt!
antioxidant level: medium caffeine level: medium
ingredients: black tea, black tea (pu-erh style), cocoa beans, green coffee beans, chamomile petals, ground coffee, natural flavors
use: 1 tsp per 8-10oz water, steep 3-8 mins
milk & sugar to taste
50 grams